Columbia NW Engineering, P.S's engineering services include design, testing and construction administration for the following types of projects and studies:
Development Fees
Industrial Processes
Engineering Reports
Commercial Site Surveys & Developments
Commercial & Residential Subdivisions
Streets & Roadways
Municipal and Irrigation Water Reservoirs, Piping and Supply Systems
Lift and Pump Stations
Wastewater Collection
Storm Sewer Systems
Septic Systems
Drainage Analysis & Erosion Control
Pedestrian & Bike Trails
Recreational Facilities
Materials Testing
Construction Administration
Construction Inspection
Project Presentation
We are experienced in professionally presenting your project to planning commission/city councils, local citizens or special interest groups. We can answer technical questions they may have, as well as outline for them any options you may wish them to be aware of. We will present your ideas in lay terms readily understood by the average citizen.
Agency Interaction
We have extensive experience dealing and working with government entities. We understand their various requirements and permitting needs from conception through completion. Granted projects require extensive record keeping, inspection and documentation. We are trained and staffed to meet these funded project requirements.
We enjoy on-staff experience with grant applications, including knowing what agencies are looking for in an application. We know how your application should be structured for maximum effect and what federal and/or state regulations may govern the granting agencies. We are knowledgeable with project management issues and final closeout requirements for state and federal granted projects.
Municipal Engineering
We offer a full range of services including: planning, design, site plan and specification preparation, construction staking, inspection, contract administration, construction management, and closeout services for all types of municipal infrastructure projects.
We offer consulting engineering services to municipalities for ongoing projects and for special projects and studies. We are available when a consultant is needed to supplement municipality's existing staff. Construction oversight services are also available to monitor construction of public improvements for conformance with municipal ordinances and requirements.
Wastewater Treatment Facilities
We have extensive experience in wastewater treatment and are capable of producing capacity studies, need projections and assisting in development of feasibility studies/reports for your specific needs. Services include planning and design of distribution and collection systems, as well as small treatment facilities. We are experienced in providing these services for individual residences, industries, municipalities and special districts.
Site Development
Complete civil engineering and surveying services are available for individual sites, subdivisions, and commercial/industrial developments. Services provided during the application/review process phase include boundary and topographic surveys, plats, drainage and flood plain studies, wetlands surveys, JARPA applications, traffic studies, State highway access permit and utility applications, site grading and erosion control plans, street and utility designs, water and wastewater treatment, and utility coordination.
Columbia NW Engineering, P.S.'s established working relationships with the local governmental agencies can be instrumental for clients in gaining project approval. During the construction phase, available services include: contract administration, inspection, construction staking, and quality control.
Materials Testing
We offer materials sampling and testing through all phases of your project. Soil tests are completed through an associate lab in Wenatchee and/or Spokane.